
Terms of use - General

Terms of use - Ratings & Reviews

Terms of use - send to mobile

Terms for registered users

Electronic Commerce Terms

Privacy Policy

PingJob Reviews Guidelines

Advertising Enquiries

1. Terms and conditions this site and the data contained in it are supplied solely for informational use on the following terms and conditions:

a. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, as would be permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced or re-used for any purpose whatsoever without the written permission of PingJob LLC

b. Users must not, whether through the use of additional software or by any other means, data mine or conduct automated searches on this site or the data contained in it.

c. However, users may download individual listings for their own private use in the course of the normal use of this site for directory assistance purposes.

d. All rights to the digital map data presented on this site are held by PingJob LLC

e. You may not reuse, export, transmit, duplicate, or publish the map data in any way (whether electronic or on paper) without the permission of PingJob LLC

Additional terms and conditions apply in relation to rating and reviewing a business and to using the Send to Mobile feature. Refer to:

Ratings and Reviews Terms of Use

Send to Mobile Terms of Use


This web site contains advertisements and information provided by third parties. There may be technical inaccuracies, typographical or other errors, programming bugs or computer viruses in this web site or its contents.

PingJob LLC and its contractors make no representations about the accuracy or suitability of the information or links provided on this web site. The information is provided 'as is', without express or implied warranty. You use the information and links at your own risk. PingJob takes no responsibility for the content of Internet sites that link from . Except as set out below, PingJob and it's contractors exclude all:

a. warranties whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise, relating in any way to this web site or your use of this web site; and

b. liability (including for negligence) to you or anyone else in respect of any loss or damage (including special, indirect or consequential loss

c. or damage such as loss of revenue, unavailability of systems or loss of data) arising from or in connection with any use of the information

d. on or access through this web site for any reason whatsoever (including negligence). Where any statute implies any term into your use of or any arrangement arising out of the accessing of this web site and that statute prohibits exclusion of that term, then that term is included. If and to the extent permitted by the statute, however, PingJob and its contractors' liability for any breach of such term is limited to the resupply of services.

Third-party websites

Links to a third party site are provided for your convenience only. PingJob and it's contractors are not responsible for and make no representations concerning the condition and content of, or products offered at the third party site. The link does not indicate, expressly or impliedly, that PingJob or it's contractors endorse the site or the products or services offered there. You access the site and use any products or services at your own risk.


PingJob Ratings and Reviews are available on the PingJob’s online site (Site) from time to time.


PingJob Ratings and Reviews allows Site users (You or Your) to read ratings and reviews in relation to businesses listed on the Site and post feedback, comments, responses, questions or other content (Posts).


If you wish to participate in Posts You must first register and log on in accordance with the process set out on the Site. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any details you use to log on to the Site.

 Applicable Terms

These terms of use (Terms), as amended by us from time to time, apply to your use of PingJob Ratings and Reviews. These Terms incorporate the PingJob Ratings and Reviews Guidelines for Posts (Guidelines)

 Changes to Terms

These Terms may change over time. It is important that you regularly check for updates. Do not use PingJob Ratings and Reviews unless you agree to be bound by these Terms, and any changes. Use of Your Information We may use contact details you provide to us for the purpose of notifying you about the features of PingJob Ratings and Reviews, the Site and for marketing purposes.

Use of PingJob Ratings & Reviews

 Responsibility for Content

If you decide to create Posts for inclusion in PingJob Ratings and Reviews, You do so at your own risk. PingJob Ratings and Reviews is provided ‘as is’, we are under no obligation to monitor Posts, and we are not responsible for any use of PingJob Ratings and Reviews or Posts You or any other third party wish to make available. The views and opinions expressed in Posts contributed by third parties are not representations made by us, nor do we endorse or necessarily share the views or opinions expressed. We make no representations about the accuracy or suitability of Posts. You are encouraged to make your own enquiries and seek your own independent advice before relying on Posts or any other associated third party content.

 Our Liability

Except for any terms implied by law (that cannot be excluded) and Your rights under statutory guarantees provided under consumer protection laws, We exclude all liability (including for negligence) to You or anyone else in respect to any loss or damage (including special, indirect or consequential loss or damage) arising out of or in connection with PingJob Ratings and Reviews.

 Your Liability

You are liable to us and agree to indemnify us against all claims, demands, damages, costs, penalties and liabilities caused directly or indirectly by your acts or omissions or your breach of these Terms.

You warrant that Your Posts:

- Are not false and are factually correct;

- are based on reasonable grounds and honestly reflect your actual and genuine opinion and experience;

- are not illegal or unlawful or will cause a breach of a law or any code of conduct;

- do not include pornographic, sexually explicit, violent, threatening or obscene content;

- do not contain any information that will personally identify any third party unless you have obtained that person’s consent;

- do not refer to persons under the age of 18;

- do not include any inappropriate language including racist, hateful, discriminatory, or language that vilifies any person;

- do not infringe any third party’s intellectual property rights, including copyright, that you have the right to grant the license in clause 3 below and that We will not infringe the intellectual property rights or any other rights of any other person by using the license in clause 3 below;

- do not infringe the moral rights of any third parties and that You have obtained any necessary moral rights consents from authors of work You submit as part of Your Posts;

- are not defamatory or malicious or promote, incite or instruct matters of crime;

- will not transmit any malware, viruses or harmful computer code;

- do not constitute a commercial solicitation to users of PingJob Ratings and Reviews or PingJob advertisers to buy goods or services;

- do not refer to businesses which are not listed on the PingJob site or otherwise refer to any other web sites or applications, including social media sites; and have not been created in exchange for any form of benefit or payment from a third party.

You acknowledge:

We are under no obligation to publish Posts on PingJob Ratings and Reviews and may remove or edit Posts in our absolute discretion; except where We are legally required to do so, We are under no obligation to monitor, remove or modify PingJob Ratings and Reviews content and, in that regard, at all times we shall remain neutral; and We may, at our discretion, terminate your access to PingJob Ratings and Reviews for any reason, including if We believe you have breached these Terms.

PingJob "Send to mobile" service and is operated by PingJob LLC ("us" or "we"). Each time you use the Service, you will be deemed to have accepted these terms and you should only use the Service if you agree to these terms. We may change these terms at any time and will tell you about any changes in these terms. You should check these terms each time you use the Service.

1. Accessing the Service to access and use the Service, you must:

be the owner of the mobile handset or account from which the Service is accessed, or have the consent of the owner to access the Service from that handset or account; and be the owner of the mobile phone number to which the Service is used to send a message, or have the consent of the owner to send a message to that number. The Service is provided free by PingJob but your standard network charges will apply when accessing PingJob Online. We may add to, remove or vary any information provided via the Service at any time.

2. Your use

You must not and must not attempt to or permit another person to:

Use the Service to data mine or conduct automated searches of the PingJob Mobile site and any data contained in it, or the PingJob Directory listings;

Use the Service or the information or content disclosed to you via the Service:

in any way which is unlawful, offensive or results, or could result, in damage to property or injury to any person, including by harassing or threatening people; or in a way which infringes our or any other person's rights (including intellectual property rights and moral rights); or Knowingly transmit any virus, worm, Trojan horse or other disabling feature to or via the Service.

3. Intellectual property

Unless otherwise indicated, we own, or use under license, copyright in the content made available via the Service and design of the Service, including PingJob Directory listings. Except as set out in these terms, or as permitted by law, you must not reproduce, adapt, store in a retrieval system, transmit, print, display, perform, publish or create derivative works from any part of the Service or the content made available via the Service, including for commercial purposes or for commercial gain. All trademarks, logos, images, product and company names referred to or made available via the Service are the property of their respective owners.

4. Your liability

You are liable to us and our related bodies corporate if you breach these terms or act negligently or fraudulently under the principles applied by the courts. You agree to indemnify us and our officers, employees and agents, against all claims, demands, damages, costs, penalties and liabilities caused by your breach of these terms.

5. Our liability

The terms that apply to your use of the Service are these terms and subject to your non-excludable rights under consumer protection laws.

We take due care and skill in providing the Service and subject to your rights under law which cannot be excluded: We do not warrant or represent that the Service or your systems (including the internet and your device and its related software and downloading the Application Version) is complete, accurate, current or free from errors or omissions, programming bugs or viruses or secure or have full functionality;

The availability of the Service may be subject to numerous factors, including routine maintenance and factors outside our control (such as malfunction in equipment or software, Internet access difficulties, or delay or failure of transmission).

Accordingly, we do not warrant or represent that the availability of the Service will be continuous or uninterrupted, that any defects will be corrected, or that the Service or server that makes it available are free of viruses.

We do not warrant that the Service will meet all of your requirements or expectations;

We accept liability to you for reasonably foreseeable loss or damage caused by a breach of any statutory guarantee or other rights under consumer protection laws that cannot be excluded and for loss or damage that was caused by our breach of contract or negligence under the principles applied by the courts, but we are not liable for:

Loss or damage that was not reasonably foreseeable;

Loss or damage that was not caused by our breach of statutory guarantee, contract or by our negligence;

Loss or damage that was caused by your breach of contract or your negligence; business losses (such as lost data, lost profits or business interruptions); and

Loss or damage caused by events outside our reasonable control (such as a malfunction in equipment or software, Internet access difficulties or delay or failure of transmission).

6. Suspension or termination

We may suspend, terminate or limit your access to the Service at any time if:

a) You are in material breach of these terms;

b) The law requires us to do so;

c) If it is necessary for maintenance or repair of relevant equipment or systems; or

d) If there are other reasonable grounds for us to do so.

If you access any service that requires you to create an account accessible through a username and password, then in addition to the provisions of the Terms of use – General and the terms applicable to any other service that you are using, the following additional terms will apply to your use of the services

1. You are solely responsible for keeping your password and all other account information confidential and for all use of your username and password, including, without limitation, any use by any unauthorized access

2. PingJob employees will never ask for your password. If you are asked for your password, or if you believe someone may have obtained your password, you must contact us

3. You must provide and keep us up-to-date with accurate information including name, credit card number and expiration date (where required). All such personal information, as well as the information you provided to register, is subjected to the privacy policy, incorporated into this agreement

4. PingJob, in its sole and absolute discretion, may terminate access to your account for any reason (including reasons related to unlawful or unauthorized usage). PingJob has no obligation to retain a record of your account or any data or information that you may have stored for your convenience by means of your account or the services

5. By creating an account, you are deemed to have “opted-in” to all tracking, collection, use, and sharing permitted under our privacy policy. Without limitation, you agree to receive emails from us periodically relating to your account, site services, offers, and promotions, including third party offers. You may change your email preferences at anytime in your account settings.

6. When using the services, PingJob may permit you to store data, preferences set by you, content or other information for your convenience, but PingJob is under no obligation to retain any such data, preferences, content or other information, including, without limitation, any coupon that you may have stored

Electronic Commerce Terms

You, whether personally or on behalf of the entity for whom you are acting as an authorized signatory (collectively, “you” or Your”), are purchasing certain of PingJob’s Solutions or services, Such purchase is subject to the applicable terms provided and identified below (“Terms”)

By indicating your acceptance or using any of the services, you agree that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by the terms, which contain binding dispute resolution provisions and liability limitations

1. Electronic Acceptance Is Binding. The indication of your assent to the terms, whether express (e.g., clicking on an “I agree” icon) constitutes your agreement to the terms. You agree that such acceptance will have the same force and effect as if you had mutually signed a paper version of these terms.

2. Electronic Transaction. You agree that all business pursuant to these terms, in the sole discretion of PingJob, be conducted electronically. We will charge your credit or debit card for amounts you incur in purchasing PingJob solutions or services. These charges may be conducted as automated clearing house transfers or by such other means as we in our sole discretion determine to be appropriate or advisable

3. Entire Agreement: Precedence. These Electronic Transactions Terms supersede all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings between you and PingJob relating to the purchase of solutions or services. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency among these Electronic Transaction terms, the Solution and/or Service Terms, and the Terms of Use- General, precedence will be given in that order

Protecting Your Privacy

Policy Last Updated on 1st January 2019

Our Privacy Policy may change from time to time, but you’ll find the current version, in question-and-answer format, below.

Q: Who is PingJob?

A: PingJob (and its related companies) is a Job Portal and publishes online Client and Job-related information for the sake of Job Seekers.

Q: What personal information do you collect and hold?

A: We might typically collect and store your name, current and previous addresses, phone numbers, email, work information, occupation, website preferences, birth date, weblog, computer, device and connection information, PingJob username and password. We might also hold information about the status of your PingJob services, as well as details about your interests. Some information we collect might not be included in this list. It really depends on the service or product we’re offering. If we ever need you to give us another person’s personal information (for example, if you’d like to give someone access to your PingJob services), we’ll need you to let that person know. You can also tell them to contact us if they have any questions.

Q: How do you collect and hold personal information?

A: We may gather your personal information in a number of ways. These include:

Directly from you through our websites, phone calls, application forms

From other parties (like your representatives, social media sites, our related companies, and our syndication partners)

From public sources

From organizations, we list under & ldquo

When do you disclose my personal information?” (see below)

From your visits and clicks on our web pages or social media presences, and

When we’re required to do so by law.

In some circumstances, if you don’t provide us with your personal information, we may not be able to help you with what you need.    We usually collect personal information straight from you (when possible). However, we sometimes use agents or service providers to collect information on our behalf. At times, we also need to gather personal details from other companies (like directory listing data from telephone service providers) and from public documents (such as information available on the internet).

Q: How do you use my personal information?

A: We may use your personal information to:

Check your identity

Provide our products and services, including directory services and advertising in various media

Manage and improve our services

Conduct research and analysis to help improve our products, services, and technologies

Carry out credit checks and help prevent fraud

Help us maintain and develop our business systems and infrastructure, and promote and market services to you (sometimes even after you leave us) either by ourselves or by our related companies.

We do not sell any information nor we share the email ID/ Contact details with anyone without your prior consent.

Q: When do you disclose my personal information?

A: In some circumstances, we might disclose your personal information to other organizations. But we only ever do this when providing services to you, or as otherwise explained in this policy. When we do this, we take all reasonable steps to keep your information secure. We also require our contracted service providers to comply with privacy and confidentiality obligations to help protect your personal information. These service providers may be based locally or overseas. They help us with tasks like:

Customer inquiries


Billing and debt-recovery

Information technology

Data verification

Managing your advertising

Marketing, telemarketing, and sales

Market research and website use analysis.

 Q: Who else might you disclose my personal information to?

Your authorized representatives or advisers (when you ask us to)

Credit-reporting and fraud-prevention organizations

Credit providers (for credit-related purposes)

Our related companies

Our professional advisers

Government, regulatory authorities and other organizations, as required by law

Organizations who manage our business, corporate, risk and funding strategies

Companies involved in the sale of our company or assets

When we do share your information with a third party, we apply rules to make sure they only use, store and disclose your information in a way that’s consistent with this policy.

Q: How do you handle my personal information and IP addresses in your websites, applications, and cookies?

A: When you visit our sites, our web servers record anonymous information like the time, date and URL of your request. This helps us improve the structure of our websites and monitor their performance. Sometimes we use third parties to analyze this data. When we compile these web server records, we don’t intend to collect personally identifiable information, but sometimes it’s unavoidable (for example, where an email address is incorporated into a URL that we record). Rest assured, the personal information we collect in this way is not used by third party analysts for any purpose. At times, we’ll also use cookies or an equivalent on our website. A cookie is a small text file that stores information on your browser or device. Usually, cookies are used so websites can remember your preferences and improve your experience. We may also use them to tailor advertising to your interests. Some of the cookies on our sites are deployed by our third-party analysts. Sometimes cookies collect and store personal information about you. We treat this information in the same way as any other personal information. If this isn’t something you’re interested in, you can always change the settings in your Internet browser to disable cookies or warn you when they’re being used. Just remember, if you do disable cookies, you might not be able to access certain areas of our websites or experience extra features. We may also collect and manage your internet protocol (IP) address – a unique number which your computer or device uses to identify itself to third parties when it’s connected to the internet. We use your IP address to provide Internet session management and uncover any misuse or fraudulent activities.  It’s collected from our websites, and we may sometimes use third parties to analyze it. Digital advertising is sometimes also included on our sites. To make this advertising more relevant to you, we may use anonymous information about the web browsing activity on your computer or device.

Q: What happens with my privacy on third party sites?

A: This Privacy Policy applies to PingJob website only and we are not responsible for the content or functionality of third-party sites. If you click through to a third-party site from our sites, we recommend you refer to the third party’s own privacy policy.

Q: How can I correct my personal information?

A: We do everything we can to make sure the personal information we handle is correct, complete and current. But if you do spot an error, you can let us know via the contact details below. Once we know, we can update it or help you to contact the right data supplier if needed.

Q: Who should I address my question or complaint to?

A: We take the protection of our customers’ privacy very seriously. So if you have any concerns, or you think your personal information is inaccurate or has been handled in a way that doesn’t comply with the United States Privacy Principles, please send e-mail to [email protected]

We’ll investigate and respond in writing within 30 days of receiving your complaint. If we haven’t responded within this time, or you feel dissatisfied with our reply, please contact PingJob and we’ll let you know who can help.

1. Ratings & Reviews

At PingJob we connect customers to great local businesses – it’s our way of making your world a little easier to navigate.

With our online reviews and rating system, you can share your experiences of business with everyone else. It’s a great way to promote a local business that you love (or let them know they need to pull up their socks!).

Please ensure your review is courteous, helpful and fair.

While we appreciate sincerity, we won’t accept reviews that contain bad language or defamatory comments.

Fake reviews, bias reviews or reviews procured in exchange for payment are strictly prohibited.

Read the full set of guidelines.

We want to hear from you

To rate and review a business, simply follow these steps:

1. Search for a business or Job to review

2. Find & Click write a review

3. Login with Gmail/Facebook/PingJob account

4. Write, Rate & submit – Your Experience

 2. PingJob reviews guidelines

PingJob reviews provide a forum for consumers to share the experiences they’ve had with local businesses. We accept both positive and negative reviews, as long as they are authentic and helpful. If you're an advertiser and want to respond to or have questions about PingJob reviews, please

Refer to our Ratings and Reviews FAQs.

Review guidelines

We want to provide a safe and positive experience for our online community, so reviews should be candid, courteous and fair. We like reviews to be helpful and trustworthy. Fake reviews, biased reviews (for example, a review about your own business or that of a family member or friend, or reviews wrote on a competitor’s listing) or reviews procured in exchange for payment are strictly prohibited. If reviews are found to be false, action may be taken, such as banning a user or referring the user to legal authorities.

Reviews must be based on your own genuine experience. Please refrain from overly harsh or spiteful comments or gratuitous criticism of other comments, people or businesses.

When posting reviews, please keep these points in mind:

Reviews are a way for users to assist other users when making a purchase decision. It is a way to provide your views on a variety of issues related to different countries businesses; everyone is entitled to their view, as long as it adheres to the Terms of use, Reviews will be available for the general public to see, so please think carefully before you submit a review.

PingJob Reviews is not the place to discuss individual disputes, for example, a dispute between a customer and a business listed in PingJob.

To ensure your security, do not post your private or personal information that will identify you or anyone else.

Content guidelines

We want businesses to get ratings and reviews that are relevant, helpful and trustworthy. To protect both business owners and customers we reserve the right to remove individual reviews that include inappropriate content.

Inappropriate content includes:

Inappropriate language, for example, harmful or abusive language, expletives or profanities, obscenities, hate speech, or harassing, threatening, offensive, vulgar or sexually explicit language

Defamatory comments

Information that personally identifies you or any other person, such as your full name, phone numbers, mailing addresses confidential information

Any illegal material, including false and misleading statements or content that may incite or promote matters of crime

Posting copyright content without permission of the owner

Apart from those which are expressly referred to on the PingJob site, comments that advertise other websites, other social media sites or other companies

Comments that in any way refer to the person(s) less than 18 years of age

Commercial information and/or promotions for businesses or events

Bear in mind that this is a non-exhaustive list and you should exercise careful judgment before submitting any reviews. If you come across any reviews that appear to be inappropriate we ask that you use the link under each review to Flag as Inappropriate. We will assess reviews flagged as inappropriate against these guidelines. Please note that sometimes our systems may remove a valid review from the site. No correspondence will be entered into once a review is removed or re-instated on the site. These guidelines are supplementary to the Terms of Use.

If you're an advertiser you might like to read our suggestions on how to respond to negative reviews at the bottom of this page.

Flagging inappropriate content

All reviews must adhere to our Ratings & Reviews Guidelines and Terms of Use. If you believe a review is inappropriate, we want you to tell us about it. Use the link under each review “Flag as Inappropriate” and tell us why you think it is inappropriate. We will remove the review straight away and assess the content within 24 hours.

If we find it hasn't breached our Ratings & Reviews Guidelines the review will be republished. An email will be sent to the originator of the review if it is permanently removed.

3. Log in with facebook / PingJob Account

In an attempt to keep reviewers honest, we ask users to log in to write reviews. We use Facebook as a means to allow users to log in to the PingJob site with ease. Facebook will ask you to allow PingJob to access your basic details, your email address and your location details the first time you log in. While we’ll use your location details in the future to optimize your search experience, we will not post details to your Facebook wall and we will not share your personal details with anyone. Promise.

Alternatively, can use PingJob Account to log in and write reviews

FAQs Ratings and Reviews

Ratings and Reviews

Why has PingJob introduced Ratings & Reviews?

Displaying Ratings and Reviews on your Business Profile Page, allows businesses and customers to gather more information about, and gain a better understanding of, each other. Ratings and Reviews can help customers make better, informed decisions as to the exact business or service they require; while businesses can have much greater exposure on the web.  Reviews on your Business Profile Page will also enable word of mouth to work as a powerful advertising tool for PingJob business users, potentially leading to more business lead opportunities.

How do I reply to a negative review left for my business?

You don’t have to be a paid advertiser to respond to a review. If you are a paid advertiser you can register

For access through the PingJob customer center. Creating an account through Customer Centre will not only

Let you respond to reviews but also edit your ads and manage your bills. If your business has a free listing on

PingJob for security purposes we will need to verify that you are the authorized representative for that business,

Once verified your account will allow you to respond to reviews.

If you would like to respond to a review that has been left for your business, navigate to your businesses profile

Page, underneath each individual review there will be a “Business response” link, click this link and you can either

Login if you have an existing account or register.

For more information, please read our helpful article on 'How to respond to negative reviews'.

If I get a negative review, can I remove it?

We accept both positive and negative reviews; however, request that they be authentic and helpful.  Remember not every business will get good reviews all the time. The best way to deal with negative reviews is to respond quickly and turn a negative into a positive. If appropriate, apologize for their experience, and address the issue. By doing this, people are likely to see a visible demonstration of how much you care about your customers’ satisfaction through your response and actions.

We will remove reviews that are both flagged as inappropriate and, in our opinion, contravene our Review Guidelines. This includes reviews that contain inappropriate content in contravention of the guidelines (such as unlawful content), reviews that appear to be fake or bias, or have been solicited using payments. If as an advertiser you believe that the review contravenes our guidelines, they should click the link next to each review 'Flag as inappropriate', login and provide details in the form describing why the review should be taken down. The Review Guidelines are published on the PingJob site.

Can I write reviews myself?

Yes, business owners are welcome to write reviews on other businesses and to respond to reviews of their own services. A business owner or employee should not write reviews for the business they work for.  If you do, it could be interpreted as false and misleading.  With all reviews we require users to login to write reviews in an effort to keep reviewers honest. You can use your Facebook account to easily log in to PingJob, and you will be required to authorize PingJob to access your basic details i.e. your email address and your location details the first time you log in. We’ll use your location details in the future to optimize your search experience. We only use Facebook as a means to allow users to login to the PingJob site with ease and will not post details to your wall and we don’t share these details with anyone.

Will I get notified of a new review when someone posts it?

Yes, you will need to look at your PingJob Business Profile Page to see the reviews written about your business.

How to respond to negative reviews

Try as you might, it is hard to please everyone. Negative reviews can be hard to accept, but they provide feedback on how you can improve your service. Here are some tips on how you can respond to these negative reviews.

Ratings and Reviews for businesses appear on PingJob digital listings. 

You don’t have to be a paid advertiser to respond to a review. If you are a paid advertiser you can register for access through the PingJob customer Centre. Creating an account through customer Centre will not only let you respond to reviews but also edit your ads and manage your bills. If your business has a free listing on PingJob for security purposes we will need to verify that you are the authorized representative for that business, once verified your account will allow you to respond to reviews.

If you would like to respond to a review that has been left for your business, here's what to do:

Navigate to your businesses profile page on PingJob

Underneath the reviews, there will be a “Business Response” link. Click the link

You will be prompted to either login if you have an existing account or register with us as the business owner

Once logged in, you can then submit your response to the review

We accept both positive and negative reviews; however, request that they be authentic and helpful.  Remember not every business will get good reviews all the time. The best way to deal with negative reviews is to respond quickly and turn a negative into a positive. If appropriate, apologize for their experience, and address the issue. By doing this, people are likely to see a visible demonstration of how much you care about your customers’ satisfaction through your response and actions.

We will remove reviews that are both flagged as inappropriate and, in our opinion, contravene our Review Guidelines. This includes reviews that contain inappropriate content in contravention of the guidelines (such as unlawful content), reviews that appear to be fake or bias, or have been solicited using payments. If as an advertiser you believe that the review contravenes our guidelines, they should click the link next to each review “Flag as inappropriate”, login and provide details in the form describing why the review should be taken down. Please read our Review Guidelines on the PingJob site.

Help for advertisers and business owners

PingJob receives more visits a month by people looking for businesses and results in phone calls and emails.

Add your business to the PingJob – it’s free!

Be where your customers are looking and take advantage of a free listing. Fill out the form on PingJob Advertising to get started: Complimentary Listing - Free Business Profile

Updating your listing:

You can update your listing at any time, as many times as you like by using our online self-serve Business Hub facility. You can do this two ways:

Visit and log in to your account; or from your listing, click the "Edit my business listing" link at the bottom of the page and log in to your account.

If you don’t have an account, you can register online by clicking here

You can also contact us to talk to someone about your listing.

Need help choosing the right solution for your business?

Contact us to discuss your advertising options.

Ratings and reviews

Check out our page for Ratings and Reviews dedicated to advertisers. You’ll find tips on how to respond to reviews and answers to common questions.

You can also view our Ratings and Reviews Guidelines.

Analytics / Payment. We use third-party analytics providers such as Google Analytics, PayPal for Payment among other services. Google Analytics uses cookies and similar technologies to collect and analyze information about the use of the Services and report on activities and trends. Google Analytics may also collect information regarding the use of other websites, apps, and online resources. You can learn about Google's practices by going to, and opt-out by downloading the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on, available at

IP Address: Your IP Address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer by your Internet Service Provider. An IP Address may be identified and logged automatically in our server log files whenever a user accesses the Site, along with the time of the visit and the pages visited. We use IP Addresses for purposes such as calculating usage levels, diagnosing server problems, and administering the Site. We may also derive your approximate location from your IP Address.

Third-Party Services: This Policy does not address, and we are not responsible for, the privacy, information or other practices of any third parties, including any third party operating any site or service to which the Site links.

Security: We use reasonable organizational, technical and administrative measures designed to protect Personal Information within our organization. Unfortunately, no data transmission or storage system can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. If you have reason to believe that your interaction with us is no longer secure, please immediately notify us in accordance with the "Contacting Us" section below.

Choices: If you no longer want to receive marketing-related emails from us on a going-forward basis, you may opt-out by using the mechanism contained in each such email.

Use of Site by Minors: The Site is not directed to individuals under the age of eighteen (18) and, we do not knowingly collect Personal Information from individuals under 18. If you are a resident of California, under 18 and a registered user of the Site, you may ask us to remove content or information that you have posted to the Site by writing to [email protected]. Please note that your request does not ensure complete or comprehensive removal of the content or information, as, for example, some of your content may have been reposted by another user.

Jurisdictional Issues

The Site is controlled and operated by us from the United States and is not intended to subject us to the laws or jurisdiction of any state, country or territory other than that of the United States.

Revisions to the Policy

If we change this Policy we will post any updates here for your review. The "Last Updated" line at the top of this page indicates when this Policy was last revised. Any changes will become effective when we post the revised Policy on the Site. Your use of the Site following these changes means that you accept the revised Policy.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions about this website privacy policy, or if you would like to update any personal information you have provided to us, please contact us at Email Address: [email protected]