How does it work?



   Job Seeker



 Client Address and Locations

Upload resumes to Client/Job

Post Jobs

 Job History

Edit Details

Review Resumes posted

 Approved/assigned  Vendors

Post Reviews and Ratings

Post Reviews and Ratings


Assign Vendors

Assign Vendors

 Resumes Count

Add Client Contacts

Add Contacts

 Reviews and Ratings

Add Client Locations

Add/Edit Vendor Details

 Post Jobs

Post Jobs

Generate Reports

 Add/Edit Client Details

Ask and Answer a Question

Find out who fills the positions

 Assign Status of Job

Multiple resume posts with 1 click

Ensure visibility to the Clients serviced What we can do today

  • List all Fortune 500, Inc. 500, Fast Company Most Innovative Companies 2019 – Clients with the past and current jobs along with the Vendors and relevant details
  • Make it very simple and fun to post your resume directly to the Client for consideration
  • List the Clients who are in a particular Zip code, City and State (not just their jobs)
  • Make it easy to Add Clients and Jobs
  • Contribute with Ratings and Reviews
  • Answer questions about any job from our extensive experience making data Analytics work What we strive to do

  • Bring the Job Seekers under an efficient Social Platform in order to be better informed
  • To remove the secrecy behind not having the client details on any job.
  • Create a Platform for Clients to engage and hire the best talent
  • Help Preferred Vendors, System Integrators and approved Partners to know the status and stages of the hiring process
  • The inability of Job Seeker to know the status of the submission
  • Greater participation by Client in the hiring process
  • Reduce the Cost of hiring the best talent for the Client  - what we do not claim to do

  • have the details on all the clients – this is a work in progress
  • to have all the jobs by the clients
  • All the information we provide are accurate and most recent
  • listed Clients will review the resumes that are uploaded
  • listed Clients, Job Seekers, and Vendors participate in our platform

PingJob  Feature Client Jobs and No Client Partners Jobs - but Display the Client Partners

PingJob   Features Client details locations, Past & Current jobs, Client Partners, Resumes Reviews, ratings etc.

 PingJob   let’s Job seekers to Share, post comment ask questions and rate Clients/Jobs and add Partners

 PingJob   Ensures your resumes reach the Clients and Client Partners who matter

 PingJob   Let’s you Review Job & Post your resume for the people/client who matters no Jobs from Feeds.

 PingJob   Simple and effective process - No Credit Card Required. Quick-apply with you save time and apply to more jobs even faster and see your resume against the Job

 PingJob   let you see Client activity know their complete Job requirements, approved vendors, comments, ratings and status of the Jobs

 Job Seeker:

   We believe if you are the job seeker you are entitled to

  •  Know the client name prior to submission
  • Have a right to take your resume to the person deciding the position
  • Know the client’s past jobs, Reviews, Ratings and vendors in one screen
  • Available jobs in your area from Zip Code/ City/ State of only client jobs
  • Share, comment and control your submission


 Is useful for Clients in order to work directly with the Job Seeker 

  • Let’s Every Client, Vendor, Contact and reviews is open to the users to Edit, Comment and Share your experience.
  • Attract best resumes by making your company name appear in the first few preferred vendors instead of the alphabetical order.
  • Is a simple, fun and a different approach to the rigor of Job searching – we are the fastest growing Job search site (Source Google Analytics) for a reason.