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$19.99 /1 måned

Access Resumes with Score <br>10 Job Postings <br>Instant Display of Candidates with score (NLP feature) <br>Dashboard Management <br>Social Google/Facebook Login <br>Social App for direct interaction <br>No subscription, cancel anytime

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5 indlæg Indlægspromovering

5 sider Promovering af sider

96 MB Maksimal uploadstørrelse


$89 /1 måned

Unlimited Access Resumes with Score <br>Unlimited Job Postings <br>Single User <br>Instant Display of Candidates with score (NLP feature) <br>Dashboard Management <br>Social Google/Facebook Login <br>Social App for direct interaction <br>E-Mail support. <br>No subscription, cancel anytime

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Vis / Skjul sidst set

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20 indlæg Indlægspromovering

20 sider Promovering af sider

256 MB Maksimal uploadstørrelse


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