Yum! Brands Inc

1441 Gardiner Lane , Louisville , Kentucky - 40213

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Yum! Brands Inc Jobs

Business Analyst

Contract Louisville, Kentucky, United States Posted 1 year ago Deadline : September 5, 2023 1 year ago

IOS Developer

Contract Irvine, California, United States Posted 4 years ago Deadline : August 22, 2020 4 years ago

AWS API Developer

Contract Plano , Texas, United States Posted 4 years ago Deadline : September 30, 2019 4 years ago

Microstrategy/ Data Stage Developer

Contract Louisville, Kentucky, United States Posted 7 years ago Deadline : August 30, 2017 7 years ago

Experienced Hyperion SQR Developer to create numerous reports

Contract Louisville, Kentucky, United States Posted 8 years ago Deadline : November 27, 2015 8 years ago

Hyperion SQR Developer

Contract Louisville, Kentucky, United States Posted 9 years ago Deadline : April 11, 2015 9 years ago

Yum! Brands Inc Vendors

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TEK Systems
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971 Corporate Boulevard
www.teksystems.com ( 85 vendors)

Kforce Professional Staffing Firm
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1001 E Palm Avenue
www.kforce.com ( 82 vendors)

BearingPoint Inc
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1676 International Drive
www.bearingpoint.com ( 47 vendors)

Yum! Brands Inc Contacts

( Login to see all the 3 contacts)
Title Name Department Phone No. CellPhone No. Details
Chief Information Officer Delaney Bellinger

Chief Operating Officer Aylwin B Lewis


Chief Information Officer Delaney Bellinger